Other Services

Faxing Service

The FAX machine will be available for non-library applications when not being used for library business. The following rates will apply:

            Transmitting:             Domestic       1st page                      $3.00

                                                                       Each page after      $  .50

                                                International 1st Page                    $5.00

                                                Toll-free/local numbers                  $3.00 total     

Receiving:                 Domestic or international                 $  .50 per page

The FAX machine will be available for sending only during library hours. The FAX machine will be in a receive mode at all hours, except when the telephone line is otherwise in use. This will include hours when the library is closed.


Headphones for all equipment may be purchased from the library at a reasonable price for patron use. Headphones will not be provided by the library for equipment/computer use.


The copier will be available for patron use, with staff assistance, when not being used for library business, during library hours. Copyright laws will apply.

The following rates will apply:

            1-sided copies, 8 ½ x 11” and 8 ½ x 14”   $  .25 per page

            1-sided copies, 11X17                                $  .50 per page

            1-sided color copies                                    $1.00 per page

            Double-sided copies will count as 2 copies

Laminating Service

Laminating service will be provided during library hours.

The following rate will apply:  $1.00 per lamination

Printing from Public Use Computers

Printing from the public use computers can be done by patrons at the following rate:

Black and white printouts                           $  .25 per page

Color printouts                                              $  .50-$1.00 per page

Double-sided copies will count as 2 copies


There will be no charge for scanning 10 or fewer pages; for anything in excess of 10 pages, a fee may be assessed.

Disc Repair Service

To repair a disc for the general public, the charge will be $3.00 per disc.

Reference Service

Telephone, fax and e-mail reference questions will be done with the availability of time of the staff. Those requesting reference service must be willing to leave name and contact information.